Last login: Sat Oct 8 11:44:53 on ttys002 Daniels-MBP:~ danielgumbiner$ curl 90 DAYS, 90 REASONS

90 Days, 90 Reasons Staff

REASON 100: Democratic presidents have lowered the national debt more than Republican presidents.

Mitt Romney claims that his party is more fiscally responsible and capable of lowering the national debt. This assertion runs counter to the historical record. The fact is, Republican presidents have increased the debt more than Democratic presidents over the past half-century. Ronald Reagan, the paragon of Republican fiscal conservatism, tripled the national debt and raised the debt ceiling 18 times.

Not only that, most of the debt over the past 12 years is a direct result of Bush-era policies, such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which cost us $3.7 trillion. Not to mention the policies of deregulation that led to the financial collapse and cost us an estimated $12.7 trillion dollars. Republicans would like you to believe they are the champions of fiscal responsibility—don't let them fool you.

90 Days, 90 Reasons Staff

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Daniels-MBP:~ danielgumbiner$