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Michael Stipe & Tom Gilroy
Tom Gilroy is a writer/director/frequent HuffPo contributor from NYC. His new film, The Cold Lands, is due in theatres early 2013. Michael Stipe is a performer/artist living in NYC.
REASON 23: Republicans seek to have America run by and for a permanent aristocracy.
America is a democracy founded on the ideal of all men being created equal, with equal opportunity, equal access to resources, equal power in a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Fulfilling this ideal means that transgender men get to work alongside fratboys at an investment bank. It means janitors who can't speak English should have access to the same health care as the CEO of an arms manufacturer. That the children of Atheists and Muslims should have access to the same quality education that Christians and Jews have. That women have the same freedoms that men have, and that the poor in a ghetto can drink clean water as easily as the rich on a golf course. Simple.—
New York, New York
Obama cares about women’s health and he proved it. read essay →
Obama expanded the lungs of our ongoing essay →
I am voting for Barack Obama because I’ve seen The essay →