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Jonathan Franzen
Jonathan Franzen is a novelist, essayist, journalist, and translator. His most recent book, Farther Away, was published in May.
REASON 27: Romney wants to nullify the Environmental Protection Agency's power to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air act, as it stands, is projected to result in a net improvement of thirty to one in U.S. economic growth, with $2 trillion in benefits.
If you’ve read the other Reasons on this site, you’ll have noticed that only one of them is even vaguely connected with the environment: Obama’s success in mandating better vehicle fuel efficiency. There’s no whitewashing the fact that his presidency hasn’t been a green one, at least not yet. Our opportunity to elect a genuinely green President was in 2000—an opportunity torpedoed (this really bears repeating) by the Green Party candidate. Voters who care strongly about the environment have already let the perfect be the enemy of the good, with calamitous results. If you’re one of those voters, please ask yourself: Can we afford to do it again?—
New York, New York
Mitt Romney will approve the proposed Keystone Pipeline. read essay →
If Romney is elected, affordable healthcare reverts to an aspirational, unachievable goal for millions of Americans. read essay →
Life is a pre-existing essay →